Sunday, February 14, 2016


Now that was what i'd call a normal day, haha.
Laundry mat.
Hoping mom picks up my Dramamine tomorrow, friggen car sickness is bs.
Btw when I say tomorrow I mean later today normally, haha. 
Only when its after 12am.
I don't really have anything specific actually.
Uhm.. me and my mate finally set up the correct relationship style I was going for.
And as much as I would love a polyandry for myself, I recognize that my partner will NOT be happy given I force such a selfish act upon them.
Instead I give them balance.
Tolerance, balance, affection and understanding.
Thinking with my head instead of my heart can be hard sometimes.
And thinking with my dick instead of my head is most definitely a no!
Only pic I can find for-self atm. 
I've also noticed that I do not have enough masculine clothes.

Looks at own body

Oh. That's why...

My dysphoria isn't as bad as trans people's are.. but its still there.
I would like a reduction, personally, but I know people who like them wouldn't...
Playing Watch Dogs is fun.
I'm still really enjoying watching Markimoo.
It drives me crazy listening to things he likes, because I like most of them.
He's a catch though, unlike me; i'm just a fuckin' mess.
Tomorrow's pathfinder though. I really hope our GM goes easy on us; with it being Valentine's Day and all. 

Throws Pandora out the window for playing Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer.

I haven't put this on here yet but.. I think with how I actually feel i'm like a Christian / Pagan. Cause I know like, there's someone, a God obviously. But I feel like there still may be a way to do things on our own because they don't want us to always be asking them for things. And they gave us freewill aswell, so.. I mean.. we're sentient living beings... and I've been told by someone I consider trust-worthy that we can't just stand here and wait for reality to hand us a platter with money, or whatever we want on it. If we don't try for something, we'll never know. I guess that means I need to step my game up after the second weekend of April.

Haha, that's when A&G is.

I get to see my mate and semi-relax, visit the dealers room and just generally be stress free for an ENTIRE WEEKEND! I am SO excited!

Oh, also I did an easy love spell awhile back ago and i'm hoping it worked, or atleast added coins to the fate machine to get things rolling in my general way.

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