Friday, February 19, 2016


Annnnddd. I'm hungry again. After eating friggen two drum sticks, some mashed potaters, and some mac and cheese.


I hate my stomach and brain right now.


I guess i'm gonna find something else to eat in a moment. I think maybe... crab claw meat and rice. I added soy sauce. And i'm gonna try this sleepy time tea. 

Looks over shoulder abruptly.

Yes rice, atleast its a faster to go carb rather then a heavy carb.



My Forced Nature story is coming along. I really like it! I don't think i'll be publishing it to any sites though. It's another one of those stories.

I don't really have anything else besides that. Er-... here's a little preview of the story?

Forced Nature

“Let me out,” I scream, struggling against the binds; consisting of handcuffs to my back, ropes around my legs and a blindfold acrossed my eyes.
“Calm down Ms. D; now Mr. F, you have no handcuffs on, please remove your and your friends’ binds. There is a key near her legs.”
I hear a groan come from a couple feet away then a scritchy-scratching noise and the removal of something of medium weight as it slaps against the floor. Immediately after, I hear their feet come stumbling towards me. They grab the key near my legs and unlock the handcuffs on my wrists, before removing my blindfold then starting to undo my leg ropes. I inhale easily then grab onto them. The other person is indeed male from what I picked up previously; although not being able to see anything is very unhelpful.
“Who are you,” I question, pulling back from them as they push me back gently.
“My name is-“
The voice is familiar but gets cut off by what I can only guess are loudspeakers in the room.
“Your name is Matt. Her name is Desorë. Within the entirety of this year you will have more company. In order they will be; Kage, Vance, Tommy and Erik.”
“Year!?! What the hell!?!”
“That’s right, you better get used to this place and the extreme darkness that doesn’t allow you to see your hand infront of you.”
“He’s serious isn’t he,” I question quietly.
I feel air the move next to me, I think my roommate has stood up but I feel a hand on the side of my eye then cheek, seeming to give me some sort of answer. The hand moves and I stand beside the other person.
Aid, bath supplies, your medicine and all other standard household items will be placed in your room when you’re asleep; and don’t even try to lie, because both of you have a wonderful scar on the back of your head where we placed something that both measures brainwaves and allows us to hear your subconscious. Ah-ha-ha; also, we can communicate with you inwardly. Sometimes we’ll tell you things and you’ll have to do them… because if you don’t, there will be consequences.”
A different man’s voice comes over the intercom; it seems to be a man with a German voice,
“Good evening, though you probably can’t tell the time in zere. I’ll be your direction instruczor. For now, zere are three corners in this room, vree doors and one unlocked door bathroom. To the North Vest is a rather large bed with pillows, a sheet and a blanket. To the North East is your dining room, zere is an eight-seating table with the proper amount of zairs for the current number of people in ze room. To the South east is ze bathroom; there is a door to shut people out. While you’re in this room you can listen to some relaxing music while you do your business. To the South West there is a conversationalist station. Zere are three phones which you can pick up and zimply say ‘dial’ to speak to one of your friends on the outside that have signed to talk to you but to tell no one else; and don’t worry, zeir homes are bleached with security measures to keep them from zaying otherwise anyways.”
It switches back to the main guy,
“Well, your journey into this magnificent world starts tomorrow. Dinner will be served around forty-five minutes from now. Good night, and remember, speaking a true name will get you into the torture room for a brisk day of pain.”
Once we hear the intercom truly click off I feel eyes on me, and I return the look to the different shaped darkness.
You should crawl on top of him and slide one of your hands into his hair. I want you to know who he is because he’s one of your fantasies.
“Huh? I didn’t say anything,” replies the man beside me.
He can’t hear me, darling. I’m in your head.
My lips purse at hearing that in my mind before I shake my head a bit, even if I did recognize the persons’ voice infront of me, that didn’t mean that I knew them in real life; and furthermore if they’re one of my fantasies then I most definitely don’t know them in real life. However, as I am quite curious I reach out and touch his hair. The man jerks back a bit.
“Hey! What’re you doing?!”
“I… I can’t see… I was trying to figure out how close you were.”
I can’t see his reaction but soon feel his hand on my wrist then the placement of my hand against his chest, a soft shirt covering it. I feel his heartbeat.
“Oh. You’re right there. Okay…”
I take a step back, removing my hand and allowing it to hang down.
“So uhm... what should we do?”
“Well, he said dinner was going to be served in like a half an hour right? Maybe we should wait for that…”

Unfortunately I didn’t get a good enough touch on his hair to truly know if I was correct on who I’m thinking it is. But this is suddenly clarified in my mind. 

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