Thursday, February 11, 2016

Good Drop? No? Confessing.

I was able to get my ticket for A&G, that's a good thing. That means I get to see my boyfriend. That's good.
I need to see him... and I need to be better for him because he deserves so much better.
THAT'S RIGHT I've been a shitty girlfriend! A
gain... to someone new this time... and I don't know how to tell him because I love him and respect him and I'm fucking stupid!

 I let my animal side free and just... I can't be without sex... I can't... and i'm scared... it's tension... and emotion and... stress... and depression and it relieves everything.... all of it. ALL OF IT!!! 
Tell me what I'm supposed to do... please... I... I don't want to hurt anyone else. 
That's why I did what I did today, earlier today. 
That's why I was a good girl... I was a good girl, wasn't I? 
I'm trying... i'll change... please... just don't... don't go away... i'm sorry...

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