Thursday, March 23, 2017

Post-Op for Wisdom Teeth/Broken Tooth removal

So the bruising has gotten worse from yesterday. I still cannot chew, or else I might bite the side of my cheek.  Also, the headaches come and go right now. I'm hungry and starting to get sick of liquid/soupy shit but I'm just gonna have to fuckin' deal. 

I can't have seeds/rice/tiny nuts because apparently they'll get stuck in the holes and get healed over which can create problems.

I went to the allergist last week and they made me do a breathing test. Apparently, I have some sort of blockage so they gave me an inhaler... JUST WHAT I DON'T NEED. MORE MEDS. It helps, though. Sometimes I do have trouble breathing. Especially with all this swelling.

I return to work Monday but I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, Kitty this weekend which I'm going to TRY LIKE HELL to make fun. Hopefully, I can stop being socially awkward for awhile. 

My hair is a MESS. I can't shower at the moment because I'm doing a chem allergy test right now; it comes off tomorrow. I also go and have my mouth looked out tomorrow, before the allergist so they can check the healing. I haven't had A LOT of pain, but I can tell when the Ibuprofen is wearing off sometimes. Also, my right eye has had trouble seeing today because of the swelling pressure of my jaw/cheek. 

I was able to finally make another NOG SMITE Morning vid for my YouTube channel. I'd like to do the next part of FFXV but it's like, I'm still so busy with trying to get my insurance straightened out and dealing with my mouth, hunger issues, trying to get on T, etc. 

I'd like to start being able to calm down after being hyped up for so many months but like.. I'm still waiting for my application for insurance to do things. I mean... I have my next HRT meeting on April 6th. I understand my insurance may not be able to cover T but I still need insurance for my medications. I CANNOT be without them or else.. like, it'll be like when I tried to stop taking paroxetine on my own, I'll curl up into a scared, fucked up, mentally scarred little ball.

But seriously, a lot has happened; and there's still a lot more coming in the future.

I pray my healing continues to go well.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! <3

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