Sunday, March 13, 2016

Crying, alone, again

 When I get upset....
I feel like I have to eat....
When people do things to my mind, that hurts me...
It does this...
Now i'm looking at a full box of samoas, a large cup of milk and a bed full of clothes at almost 2am-- SOON TO BE 3AM and wishing that I didn't exist.
I look at my stomach, it bulges.
I look at my breasts, my mind fights back and forth- and it hurts, they're there, what I wish I had doesn't exist on me and I just... everything screams at me like its wrong.
And then I remember why I don't change.
Noone sees me the way I do.
Noone has this mental image of how I want to be.
And then I remember another reason why I don't change.
I just want /him/ to love me.
And it hurts even more.
Because i'm hurting someone else whose close to my heart.
Whose shown me mostly nothing but kindness.
And then I realize.
I'm alone, with myself who has to deal with all of this.
I have to decide if I'll eat the cookies, and drink the milk.
I have to decide if I'll take the pain killer and muscle relaxant that helps me sleep.
Because i'm alone.
And noone cares what hurts me.

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