Saturday, October 13, 2018

Sat, Oct 13

Time for an update I suppose. Its been forever since I've posted on here but I might as well, right? I've started Zoloft and am no longer on Paroxetine. The Zoloft feels like its holding my broken mind pretty well. I still get a shaky glimpse into my own fears every now and then though. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It's been a long time since I posted... well, I feel like it's been a long time. So, first things first: My anxiety climbed to the point where I was losing weight/not eating. My depression was high as well. About two weeks ago I went and saw my Behavioral Health doctor and had some of my meds increased. The anxiety has lessened and my depression has gone down as well. I'm feeling a bit better. I've had an upper endoscopy for my GERD, a CT scan, and even a cystoscope for the frequent UTI. Everything came back clean, no cysts, no scars in the stomach, and no issues in my throat. I have to stay on my Omeprazole, Famotidine(Pepcid) and my 90-day antibiotic(Nitrofurantoin).

Besides these things that I've been dealing with, I'm still coping with my grandmother being gone. It still hurts, I miss her and I wish I would've made more memories with her. The clearest one and the one that stands out is the one where I and she had taco bell with enchirito's. It's happy at least. 

I'm also still coping with seeing her body in such a withered and fragile state. It was a bit traumatic.