Saturday, November 18, 2017

An update

Currently not much is going on tbh. I'm just doing this update because it's been over a month. I now have the new G.U. for ps4. Which I should honestly be playing or something. My friend Arron got mad earlier and rage party left. I hope it wasn't me who did it and I hope he's alright and didn't do anything reckless. We WERE up against a clan and his friend was kind of a douche. We should've just surrendered. I don't mind taking a full loss and dicking around but Arron seems to get too angry over these things.

What else? More friends on WOP. Also a prefect now... don't know how long that'll last. Shrugs. I've gotten mom and grandma some stuff for Christmas so far and I've put up my list. I doubt the family (besides mom and Jamie) will get me anything I really want. Mom got grandma to start taking the CBD oils so hopefully, she'll continue to take them and try to live her life for as long as possible. I understand what mom meant by quality over quantity. I'm trying to work as much as I can on my self-control. It's never been good when it comes to horniness or lust, but depending on how horrible my two weeks have been I try to cut down on money costs.

Wish is quite helpful for spending issues. I even bought myself a shirt on there this time.